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⑴ 关于《快乐的大脚》的英文名称和简介

片名:Happy Feet译名:快乐的大脚/欢乐的大脚/欢乐大脚导演:乔治·米勒 George Miller配音:伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 布兰特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy 类型:动作/冒险/儿童/歌舞 片长:98分钟级别:G级(适合所有人观看)发行:华纳兄弟Warner Brothers 这是属于帝企鹅的伟大时代。它们占领者着南极洲的最深处,在这个家族里,只有一个办法能够让新生的小家伙得到大家的认可——拥有一副动听的歌喉。不幸的是,马伯(伊利亚·伍德配音)是整个家族里唱歌唱得最差的那个。但是,他却是一个天生的舞蹈家,街舞跳到出神入化。马伯的妈妈诺玛·吉恩(妮可·基德曼配音),把马伯舞蹈天赋仅仅看成一个可爱的小爱好,但马伯的爸爸孟菲斯(休·杰克曼配音)却认为,不会唱歌只会跳舞的马伯根本就不是企鹅。不过他们达成共识的是,没有一副好嗓子的巴伯,可能永远也找不到真爱了。 有趣的是,不会唱歌的马伯唯一的好朋友格洛丽亚(布兰特妮·墨菲配音),正好是整个家族当中最好的歌手。虽然他们俩自出生后就一直在一起,对彼此都有特殊的感觉,但格洛丽亚总是被马伯与众不同的节奏舞步困扰着。马伯与其他帝企鹅实在是太不一样了–特别是对于家族中最严厉的领导者诺亚(罗宾·威廉姆斯配音)来说。虽然诺亚的独断专行导致他最后被家族所排斥,但他一贯不依不饶的态度迫使马伯产生了离开的念头。 第一次离开家的马伯,在路上碰到了一群企鹅朋友。他们不是帝企鹅,而是阿德兰企鹅,首领叫做罗曼。阿德兰们被马伯独特的舞步深深打动,邀请他去参加一个盛大的舞会。在阿德兰的地盘上,马伯用一块鹅卵石的代价,获得了一位头上长有奇怪羽毛,跳着摇滚舞步的流浪者的指引,他回答了马伯生命中的很多疑问……

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英文剧本: 快乐大脚 Happy FeetHappy Feet scriptOnce there was a way To get back homewardAre the stars out tonight?Once there was a way to get back homeI only have eyesSleep, pretty darling, do not cryFor youAnd I will sing a lullabyWith a song in my heartSo tell meTell me something goodTell me that you love meTell me, babyTell me something goodOnly youBut how can you know for sure?Can make this world seem rightIs there really just one?I need your loveSo many songs, but I'm feeling so lonely.Where is the love?You don't have to be beautifulTo turn me onI just need your body, babyHello-From sk till dawn -Is it me you're looking for?You don't need experienceTake-To turn me out -These broken wingsYou just leave it all up to meLet's talk about eggs, baby Let's talk about you and meYou don't have to be rich-Give me all your loving -To be my pearlYou don't have to be cool To rule my worldAin't no particular song I'm more compatible withI just want your extra–Boys. Boys.Give a chick a chance.Well, since my baby left meI found a new place to dwellIt's down at the end of Lonely Street At Heartbreak HotelAnd I said, ''I'm feelin' so lonely, babyI'm feelin' so lonelyOh, I'm feelin' so lonely''…I could dieDon't have to be rich to be my girlDon't have to be cool to rule my worldYou rule my worldYou're the particular song I'm compatible withI just want your-Extra time -Extra time-And your kiss -And your kissHis mom and dad met in the usual way.The song became love……and love became the egg.Memphis?-You got it, sugar? -Yeah. Oh, yeah.Safe and warm.Hold it tight, now.Whoa, l think l felt a move in there.And in the usual way……the moms left for the fishing season……while the dads stayed home to do egg time.You gonna be okay, Daddy?Oh, sure, honey. We'll be waiting for you, right here on Lonely Street.I love you more and more, tell me whyBye-bye, now.Goodbye, Norma Jean. Don't you worry about a thing.Don't wanna let you goI never can say goodbye, boyWhen all others leave……we remain!When the sun vanishes……we remain!I'm feelin' so lonely I'm feelin' so lonely–Heed the wisdoms, brothers! Make a huddle!Warm thy egg!Make a huddle!-Share the cold! -Share the cold.Each must take his turn against the icy blast……if we are to survive the endless night.Raise your voices, brothers!Give praise to the Great 'Guin……who puts songs in our hearts and fish in our bellies!Ain't no particular song I'm more compatible withOh, baby, l think l wanna dance now.No, no, no.There is a wisdom, brothers and sisters……that stands above all others.-Never, ever… -lt's okay.-…no matter what… -No harm done. See?…drop your egg.No, we're cool. We're cool.Of the many thousands who sang through that long night of winter……it was Memphis who cried out most fervently……to turn the Earth and bring back the sun.-lt's a boy! -Hey, it's a girl!-What a peach! -What a bruiser!-Come here, son. -Come to Daddy, there you go.Son, you have made your daddy so proud.lt's all genetics, you know.Memphis?ls everything okay?l don't know. l can't hear anything.-ls it empty? -Honey.-Can l have it? -Gloria.lt's okay, Maurice.lt happens sometimes, Memphis.Yeah.Wait, you hear that?-Yeah. -Hey, l can hear you, buddy.Oh, your papa's here, it's okay.Oh, he's okay, Maurice. Whoa, there it is!That's his little foot there.There's his other one.That's different.Hey! Come back here, Mr. Mumble.Gloria….She can call him whatever the heck she likes.Whoa, little Mumble.-Mumble? Mumble? -You okay?Freezing. Freezing.Oh, you'll get used to it.Come on. Come to your daddy.-What do you make of that? -Little wobbly in the knees.-ls he okay? -l don't know.What you doing there, boy?l'm happy, Pa.What you doing with your feet?They're happy too.-l wouldn't do that around folks, son. -Why not?-Well, it just ain't penguin, okay? -Okay.Yeah. Hey, come on over here. Get under here. Get warm.Watch the beak. Watch the beak– Beak!The beak.Okay, good boy.So late. What's keeping them?Pray, brothers, the Great 'Guin does not test us with a lean season.Why, Noah? Have we not all been tiful?So when you see your mama….-l stand perfectly still. -You got it.But how will l know which one's my mama?Oh, you'll know.She's got a wiggle in her walk and a giggle in her talk.And when she sings, it darn near breaks your heart.Hey, wait. l see them. l see them!You're right! You're right!Wives, ho!Wives, ho!Wives, ho!Wait, no. Wait, no, Mumble, get back here. No, Mumble! Get back– Mumble!Mumble! Mumble!Mumble!Michelle? Michelle?-Roxanne? -Michelle?Alfie?-Maurice! -Michelle! Michelle!Mommy!Oh, she's so darling.Excuse me. Pardon me, pardon me. Mumble? Mumble?Oh, Mumble.-Mama? -Mumble!-Mama? -Mumble!Mumble!Mama? Mama?-Mumble, boy, where are you? -Mama!Memphis?Oh, Mama. Oh, Mama.-Oh, my. -Daddy.So where's the baby?Well, honey, l'll find him.-You lost the baby? Memphis! -lt's okay.-Mama? Mama? -Stay!-Come to Mommy. -No, Mumble.Mama, Mama.Hey, what's wrong with his feet?Oh, that's just a little thing he's got going. He'll grow out of it.Mama!Oh, Memphis, he's gorgeous.-lsn't he, though? -Look at you.l got something for you.Open up.Oh, l love the way she does that.W, X, Y and ZGood morning, class.Good morning, Miss Viola.Right.Well, today we begin with the most important lesson you will ever learn……at Penguin Elementary.Does anyone know what that is?Anyone? Anyone?Someone? Seymour?-Fishing? -No.Mumble?Don't eat yellow snow?No, that's not it, no.-lt's our Heartsong, Miss. -Thank you, Gloria. Excellent, yes.Without our Heartsong, we can't be truly penguin, can we?No.But, my dears, it's not something that l can actually teach you.Does anybody know why? Anyone? Anyone?You can't teach it to us, ma'am……because we have to find our Heartsongs all by ourselves.Well done, you.lt's the voice you hear inside……who you truly are.Yes. Thank you, Gloria. Excellent, lovely, thank you.So let's all be very still now.Take a moment and let it come to you.-l got one! -Pick me!-Pick me! Pick me! -One at a time. Yes, Seymour.Don't push me 'Cause I am close to the edgeI'm trying not to lose my headYes, l like that one. l could really get jiggy with that. Lovely.l'm ready. l got one.Oh, l thought you might, Gloria.Midnight creeps so slowlyInto hearts of thoseWho need more than they getDaylight deals a bad handTo a penguinWho has laid too many betsThat's as far as l got so far.-Oh, yes, lovely. Really lovely. -That's beautiful.Well, Mumble, since you seem so keen to share.Mine's sort of a boom and a:And another boom.You heard that in there?-Do you like it? -l'm afraid that's not a tune.-lt's not? -No, dear. A tune is like:Oh, okay.Who is that?That is the offspring of Memphis and Norma Jean.The wee hippity-hopper.lt's not funny!No. No, not in the least.A penguin without a Heartsong is hardly a penguin at all.l think he broke my ear.ln all my years, l've never, l mean–And you having such fine voices. Well, it's bizarre.Did anything happen, you know, ring early development?No, all fine. Normal incubation.-Right. -Wasn't it, honey?Yeah. Yeah, it was a tough winter, l guess.Right, right.-He did hatch a little late– -Yes, l understand. Yes.-To think he might spend his life alone… -Quite, quite….never to meet his one true love.Oh, please, Miss Viola, isn't there something we can do?Well, there is always Mrs. Astrakhan.Mrs. Astrakhan?lf anyone can, Mrs. Astrakhan can.Can't sing?Can't sing? Rubbish, darling.Every little penguin has a song.When l have finished……your singing will be giving everyone the goose pimple.Now, to begin. First, we must find a feeling.Happy feeling, sad feeling.Maybe lonely feeling.You feel it?Good. Now, let it out.Be spontaneous.That, what is that?l'm being spontan-you-us.Darling, you want to meet beautiful girl?You want to make the egg?Oh, yes.Well, sing! And no jiggy-jog. Do not move muscle.No moving!Twinkle, twinkle, little starEnough!Okay. We go back to the top.Forget body. Look inside soul.Feel the feeling. Enormous feeling.So enormous it fills whole body.lt must escape or you explode.-Now, open your little beak. -Come on.Yes, yes. Lift up the head, that's it.Now…. Now….NowDisaster! Catastrophe!l never fail before.Never! Never!-Well, l thought it was kind of cute. -But it just ain't penguin, okay?So what if he's a little different? l always kind of liked different.He's not different. He's a regular emperor penguin.Hey, you know what? l can leave school.l can go to work. The three of us.Whoa, little fella. You ain't going nowhere till you got yourself an ecation.You get them singing muscles big and strong, you got that?l'll try, Pa.You bet you will. The word ''triumph'' starts with ''try,'' and it ends with…?-''Umph.'' -That's right. A great big ''umph.''l'm going fishing.Oh, Mumble.That first hard summer……while his mom and dad were working overtime……on the great commute to the sea……Mumble found a place away from disapproving eyes……where a funky little fella could be himself.Hey, what you doing there, flipper bird?Nothing. What are you doing?Nothing. Just dropped in for a little lunch.There's food? Here?Leg or wing?Oh, no, no, wait. Not me, l'm a penguin.Exactly. The flipper birds, that's you, eat the fish.The flying birds, that's me, eat the flipper bird and the fish.And lately, there ain't a lot of fish.-So…. -This time l'm getting the juicy bits.-Me first! -Hey, you want a piece of me?Hey, hey, hey! l'm trying to think about lunch.Wait! Watch this!Yeah, that's weird, all right. Listen. For once, we're gonna do this civilized.-Now, get in line– -Hey! What's that on your leg?-What? This little thing? -Oh, no. Don't start him on that.Shut up! The little flipper bird asked me a perceptive question.-A question like that deserves an answer. -Here we go.l got two words for you:''Alien abction.''-Oh, you had to ask. -Have mercy.Quiet!Now, little buddy, there is something out there.Creatures. Not like us.Bigger, fiercer, and smarter too.-Ask me how l know. -How?Because l've been captured by them, that's how.Unbelievable.What do you mean ''unbelievable?'' lt's true.l'm sitting on a rock, minding my own business……when suddenly, they're onto me.These beings, like big ugly penguins.Fat, flabby faces with front-ways eyes……no feathers, no beaks, and these– These appendages.They probe me. They tie me up. They strap me down.They take this pointy thing and they stick it into me.And then, blackout.Gosh.l woke up and there's this– This thing on me.Every flying bird is dissing me, ''Hey, what's happening, yellow leg?''lt was humiliating.And then what?lt was humiliating. What more do you want?They could have eated you.Yeah. Yeah.l guess my pitiful cries for mercy appealed to their better nature.Can l appeal to your better nature?Nice try, kid, but no.No. No. No!What you doing down there, flipper bird?Get up here.Get back up here this minute.Oh, great. You let him get away. Didn't you?All your screwy alien talk.-Hey, l'm an abctee. -Abct this.-Don't make me call Uncle Angie. -Oh, fine.Where youse going? l'm an abctee!-l don't care what you are, l'm hungry! -Would you like to hear our specials?How about fish? There's no fish. How about penguin? There's no penguin.What are we gonna eat?!There's a world where I can goAnd tell my secrets toIn my roomPaying no mind to his dancing heart……the kid saw out his school days at the back of the class……lost in his imaginings.Now it's dark and I'm–What fabulous worlds lay out there, far beyond the ice?–I won't be afraidWas there any place……where one small penguin without a Heartsong……could ever truly belong?In my roomAnd so, a thousand generations ago……our forefathers forsook our wings for flippers.You graates going to sea for the first time……are to reap the benefits of their wise choice.These are lean and uncertain times.But by the power of the ancient penguin wisdoms……we, my brethren, will enre.-''Blah, blah, blah.'' -Norma Jean.Who is he to say my boy can't graate? He's not hurting anyone.–true to our ways and you will always be worthy of this……our brave penguin nation. Excelsior!Ocean, here l come!You know what? We're gonna have a little graation ceremony of our own.-You mean it, Ma? -You betcha.-Excelsior! -Excelsior!Keep it down.-Pa. -Memphis.-Go get them, tiger. -Thanks, Ma.-Make every moment count! -Got you, Ma!-Remember, ''Stranger Danger.'' -Yeah, sure, Pa.And watch out for those leopard seals and them killer whales.Mark this, Noah.That boy was always a bad egg. l'm telling you, no good will come of this.Guys!Wait up!What do you think?-You first. -No, you first.No. No, no, no.Stop pushing!-What was that? -l think it was the fuzzball.See any blood?What you waiting for?Hey, Gloria!Gloria, l adore-ia. l'd like to see more-ia.Gloria.-Mumble? -Gloria.l'm sorry. l didn't mean to….Fall back, coming through!Gloria? All my life, l've wanted to say that you're so—Fish. -Yeah. You're so fish.No. Fish!Fish!Oh, that's mine.-That's lousy. -You didn't get one?Sorry.Gloria. You got one?-Nope. Not this time. -You have it.-Thank you, Mumble, but it's yours. -l want you to have it.-No. You caught it. You eat it. -l want you to–Skua! You get back here!-Come on. -Mumble! Let go!Mumble! Let go!You just let him get away!-ls he breathing? -He's certainly not eating.Mumble? Are you okay?Mumble?Take the fish.-What? -Take the stupid fish.Oh, okay.Thank you, Mumble.You're welcome.–somebody toLoveOn this, our night of graation, infatuation, illumination……top of the class, Missy Gloria.Each morning I get up, I die a littleCan barely stand on my feetTake a look at yourselfTake a look in the mirror and cry a littleLord, what you doing to me?I spent all my years in believing youI just can't get no relief, Lord-Somebody -Somebody-Somebody -PleaseCan anybody find meSomebody to love?-She works hard -Every dayEvery dayOh, I try and I try and I tryBut everybody wants to put me downThey say, they say, I'm going crazyThey say I got a lot of water in my brainGot no common sense I got nobody left to believe inWhat's wrong with you?-Mumble. -Yeah?-lt's better you just– -Yeah, l know.-You listen. You know? -Yeah.-Sorry. -lt's okay.-Sorry. -Sing the song.You're great. That was great.Oh, baby, find meCome on. Put your flippers in the air, now.Find me somebody to loveFind me somebody to loveFind me somebody to loveFind me somebody to lovel'm searching high and low.l'm searching the high and low.Yes, there's somebody out there who needs to find me.Somebody, anybodyl'm somebody.I wanna love someone Send someone over hereCan anybody find meSomebody toLoveMumble!-Who do you think you are? -Yeah, you're spoiling it for everybody.-Take a flying leap. -Yeah, jump in the lake.Where is my baby?Anybody find me, find me Find me, find meSomebodyOkay, fellas. Cut it out.l'm completely terrified.Gloria?Guys?Get up here or l'll come in after you.-Safe! -Oh, yeah!-You the bomb, bro. -That's a 9.8.-l give you 1 0. -Why?Oh, no, no, no. Come on. Bring it. Bring it on.http://cache..com/c?m=&p=c06dc64ad3df01fb08e2947b4864&user= 这里面都有

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⑻ 前段时间有个动画电影演的是企鹅的,叫什么名字

片名:Happy Feet译名:欢乐的大脚/快乐的大脚/欢乐大脚导演:乔治·米勒 George Miller配音:伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman布兰特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy类型:动作/冒险/儿童/歌舞片长:98分钟级别:G级(适合所有人观看)发行:华纳兄弟Warner Brothers上映日期:2006年11月17日(美国)官方网站:www2.warnerbros.com/happyfeetIMDB:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0366548 6.8/10 (6,877 votes)剧情简介这是属于帝企鹅的伟大时代。它们占领者着南极洲的最深处,在这个家族里,只有一个办法能够让新生的小家伙得到大家的认可——拥有一副动听的歌喉。不幸的是,马伯(伊利亚·伍德配音)是整个家族里唱歌唱得最差的那个。但是,他却是一个天生的舞蹈家,街舞跳到出神入化。马伯的妈妈诺玛·吉恩(妮可·基德曼配音),把马伯舞蹈天赋仅仅看成一个可爱的小爱好,但马伯的爸爸孟菲斯(休·杰克曼配音)却认为,不会唱歌只会跳舞的马伯根本就不是企鹅。不过他们达成共识的是,没有一副好嗓子的巴伯,可能永远也找不到真爱了。有趣的是,不会唱歌的马伯唯一的好朋友格洛丽亚(布兰特妮·墨菲配音),正好是整个家族当中最好的歌手。虽然他们俩自出生后就一直在一起,对彼此都有特殊的感觉,但格洛丽亚总是被马伯与众不同的节奏舞步困扰着。马伯与其他帝企鹅实在是太不一样了–特别是对于家族中最严厉的领导者诺亚(罗宾·威廉姆斯配音)来说。虽然诺亚的独断专行导致他最后被家族所排斥,但他一贯不依不饶的态度迫使马伯产生了离开的念头。第一次离开家的马伯,在路上碰到了一群企鹅朋友。他们不是帝企鹅,而是阿德兰企鹅,首领叫做罗曼。阿德兰们被马伯独特的舞步深深打动,邀请他去参加一个盛大的舞会。在阿德兰的地盘上,马伯用一块鹅卵石的代价,获得了一位头上长有奇怪羽毛,跳着摇滚舞步的流浪者的指引,他回答了马伯生命中的很多疑问……幕后花絮今年的动画片竞争激烈,花招迭出。然而,自皮克斯的《汽车总动员》大放异彩之后,任凭《篱笆墙外》、《冲走小老鼠》、《怪兽屋》和《疯狂农场》找来一大群动物怎么吆喝,始终不能战胜“人脸小汽车”。但《快乐的大脚》应该是《汽车总动员》最大的竞争对手。首先,以企鹅作为主角的动画片几乎屈指可数,而且在今年尚属独一份。自当年《帝企鹅日记》打动无数人心之后,帝企鹅不仅是企鹅品种中人气最高的,当然也盖过诸如畸形奶牛以及憨厚大熊之类的老面孔。其次,影片的配音简直就是八星级阵容,除去本片之外,各路配音演员在今年的其他作品中都有上佳表现,这无疑对本片的人气起到了很大的助长作用。第三,本片以时下最流行的街舞做为基础,集合了Rap, R&B, Rock等时尚音乐元素,把一部动画片生生拍成一部歌舞片。想想看,最可爱的帝企鹅随着节拍跳着街舞的负责舞步,有几个人不想去影院开心一回呢?主创阵容导演乔治·米勒,以动作片起家,却奇迹般的在98年执导了大受欢迎的《小猪宝贝》电影,把一头聪明的小猪拍得人见人爱,让人见识到了米勒在暴力画面之外的童心。事实上米勒是一名非常有爱心的导演,在印尼海啸之后,他执导了一部名为《大海啸》的纪录片,并将票房收入全部捐给了赈灾机构。《快乐的大脚》是他执导的第二部儿童可以观看的影片,也是第一部动画片,米勒这次邀请众多大牌影星加盟,除了展现他的号召力之外,也能对他在这部片子上的雄心勃勃略见一斑。伊利亚·伍德,妮可·基德曼,休·杰克曼,布兰特妮·墨菲,罗宾·威廉姆斯,这几个名字无一不是如雷贯耳。近几年集中这么多明星给动画片配音,还真是非常少见。早在影片刚开拍的时候,上述大牌的粉丝们就开始津津乐道地等待片子出炉,并且猜测自己的偶像会给哪一只企鹅配音。想象一下自己偶像以一个帝企鹅的形象出现……下载地址:http://lib.verycd.com/2007/01/05/0000134466.html

⑼ 求一电影名

快乐的大脚 “这不仅是本年度动画电影中的佼佼者,与其他所有类型影片相比也堪称翘楚!” ——卢·路曼尼克《纽约邮报》 导演/编剧:乔治·米勒(George Miller) 主演:罗宾·威廉斯(Robin Williams)配音 休·杰克曼(Hugh Jackman)配音 伊利亚·伍德(Elijah Wood)配音 妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)配音 地区:美国 类型:音乐,卡通 片长:102分钟 级别:PG(任何人适合观看) 上映:2006年11月17日 票房:1亿7967万美元(2006年北美排名第7) 官网:http://www2.warnerbros.com/happyfeet/ 内容简介: 可爱企鹅、非歌善舞 所有的帝企鹅天生就是歌唱家。小企鹅波波却是一个例外, 他天生是个舞蹈家——踢踏舞舞蹈家!这种反常的行为令波波最终被驱逐出了帝企鹅的领地,一个人孤零零地游荡在广袤寒冷的世界里。在一群阿德雷企鹅朋友和一个名叫爱拉斯的摇滚舞企鹅大师的陪伴下,波波展开了一场漫漫之旅,最终证明了一个道理:忠于自我,你能令世界变得不同! 在冰雪覆盖的南极,生活着成千上万的可爱企鹅。孟菲斯(休·杰克曼)和诺玛·珍(妮可·基德曼)便是众多企鹅当中的一对。他们曾经也像所有的企鹅恋人一样,在相互的求爱歌声中渐渐走到了一块儿。虽说婚后生活有着不尽的幸福和快乐,但是,当他们有了自己的爱情结晶时,没完没了的烦心事儿也接踵而至:看上去活泼可爱的孩子莫伯(伊利亚·伍德)偏偏是个不受同伴们欢迎的异类。眼看着别人家的同龄孩子们个个都会引吭高歌,互诉衷肠,可怜的莫伯却终日笨口笨舌,一句动听的歌也唱不出来。险些断送了他和青梅竹马的格洛丽娅(布里特妮·墨菲)天作的姻缘。还好,企鹅团队的首领雷蒙(罗宾·威廉斯)关键时刻对莫伯做了恰当的启发——原来,上帝虽未给他唱歌的才能,却赋予了他做个天才舞蹈家的能力!当莫伯踏着欢快的踢踏舞擦出一大片冰花时,整个冰雪世界在企鹅们排山倒海的歌舞声中,留下了无数快乐的脚印…… 澳洲人“近水楼台” 显然,澳大利亚要比美国在与南极洲的距离上有很大的优势。似乎导演该片的导演乔治·米勒也看中了这一点,因此在影片的配音演员的选择上颇为看好澳大利亚人。制片方华纳公司选择米勒导演该片的一大好处,想必也是因为强大的澳洲军团会看在老乡的份上前来助阵的缘故。如今,凭借“金刚狼”等精彩角色红遍世界影坛的休·杰克曼,想当年有着“澳洲最佳歌剧男演员”的响亮头衔,“扮演”能歌善舞的企鹅爸爸自然不在话下。不过他在录音间也时常抱怨,因为给动画片里的角色配音绝非易事,虽用不着像《奥克拉荷马》那样一直唱到嗓子冒烟,可企鹅的声线毕竟与标准的男高音有着莫大的差别。因此要掐着嗓子装天真的感觉着实要消耗“金刚狼”不少的力气。而堪称澳洲女人榜样的妮可儿·基德曼在再次走入婚姻殿堂之后,对这次“扮演”企鹅妈妈的经历颇感兴奋。而且有着《红磨坊》的成功歌唱经验的她,自然是不会让影迷们尤其是家乡父老们失望。定居澳大利亚三十年的雨果·维文,在带领《V字仇杀队》炸毁伦敦后,一脚踏进录音棚凑起了热闹。维文在本片里只客串一个小角色,摘掉面具的他,同样没有露脸的机会,年来今年观众洽谈室只能用耳朵见他了。 此外,来自好莱坞故乡美国的配音演员阵容也格外抢眼,罗宾·威廉斯凭着千面千喉的绝技,在本片中分饰了三个角色,除了企鹅首领雷蒙外,还有一只阿根廷企鹅和晒太阳的小海狮。可以想像,他在录音间里的模样定和《窈窕奶爸》的精彩表现别无他样。至于片中的主角——那只不会唱歌的企鹅小子莫伯,米勒则找来了同样不会唱歌的“哈比人”伊利亚·伍德为其配音。莫伯是全片的核心人物,没有一副好歌喉,却有一颗个性十足的的小脑袋,有时像个小刺头,有时又像招人疼爱的小可怜——这可苦了鲜有配音经验的伍德,前后四次进棚受罪,还好他不怕困难的勇气和莫伯颇为神似,使得最终这个小企鹅的角色呈现给观众的感觉更加惟妙惟肖。 强势华纳、冰雪袭人 好莱坞动画市场竞争异常火爆的2006年即将过去。但是财大气粗的华纳公司依然不会放弃任何一个展示其雄厚实力和大胆魄力的机会——IMAX 3D电影技术在该片上的应用便充分体现了这一点。IMAX 3D技术在电影中的成功运用,为电影这门新兴艺术带来了更加可观的视听效果,但巨大的投入也同样令人咋舌,华纳公司为了在风起云涌的动画市场尽早确立自己的强势地位,大胆地“放血”自然不在话下。作为一部动画电影,本片的所有镜头都是依靠数字技术制作出来的虚拟图像,因此不可能在拍摄时直接从两个角度捕捉画面,而IMAX 3D DMR技术的先进性就在于,它能把原始的2D电影底片转换成3D格式,再利用IMAX DMR(数字原底翻版)技术,将普通的3D图像转化为IMAX的3D格式,从而使本已立体的感超强的画面在偏振光眼镜的作用下,更能体现立体感十足。另外,本片还是华纳公司继《极地特快》《超级三维赛车》《别惹蚂蚁》之后,推出的第四部IMAX 3D动画电影,虽说前三部都为能如约在好莱坞动画市场掀起预期的热潮,不过,IMAX公司总裁理查德·盖弗依然对前景充满信心:“《快乐的大脚》绝对是今年冬天的一颗重磅炸弹,它的IMAX 3D版本将随普通的2D版同时引爆各大,不过我倒是强烈封建议年轻的观众选择前者,因为那实在实在太壮观了!” 荒凉的极地好赚钱 一部《帝企鹅日记》“以小博大”的成功瞬间再次掀起了人类“勇创”南极的兴致。前有动作片《南极大冒险》的翻拍体验,紧接着,这部动画片《快乐的大脚》再次以南极的“主人”——企鹅讲起了立志、家庭感十足的温馨故事来了。回想一下,人类第一次在大银幕上邂逅企鹅的身影,还得追溯到遥远的1919年,尽管欧内斯特·沙克尔顿在《南极大陆》中仅给观众呈现了一群企鹅的模糊印像,但在此后的87年里,那些步态蹒跚、身着燕尾服的企鹅已不再是电影镜头里的稀客了。影史上62部关于企鹅的电影,将南极这个被人遗忘的角落描绘得生机盎然,妙趣横生,亦使版图上寒气逼人的“毛德皇后地”、“恩德比地”变得令人心驰神往起来。2005年,当法国人让-吕克·雅克把《帝企鹅日记》的催泪弹抛向好莱坞时,精明的制片人比尔·米勒方才如梦初醒:好莱坞玩够了天上飞的,地下跑的,水里游的,偏偏冷落了生活在地球最南端的伙伴企鹅。一向温文尔雅、浪漫为先的法国人居然走在骄傲的美国人前面,率先想到了企鹅的魅力。还好有一心想在动画片领域分杯羹的华纳公司紧随其后,及时地把握这次机会。不过,制片方心中仍有疑虑尚存,毕竟前有《企鹅与卵石》失败的惨痛教训,后有《帝企鹅日记》的余温犹在,再拍企鹅题材恐怕吃力不讨好。但当《怒海争峰》的编剧约翰·克里拿出剧本初稿时,华纳公司立马打消了疑虑,立刻将拍摄计划提上日程。并集合了所有能集合的人才和物力,将这段可爱企鹅的立志故事强力推出。期待在冬季来临之际,再狠狠地捞上一笔。