文件管理 · 2022年7月25日

vba复制文件|excel VBA如何将文件复制至另一文件夹中并按要求改名

❶ VBA 自动复制文件命令

Sub main()当前 = "E:\1.xlsm"For i = 2 To 40目标 = "E:\" & i & ".xlsm"FileCopy 当前, 目标NextEnd Sub

❷ VBA 文件之间复制

'把下面代码放入targe表中运行。Sub ABCD()Dim lj As StringDim dirname As StringDim nm As Stringlj = ActiveWorkbook.Pathnm = ActiveWorkbook.Namedirname = Dir(lj & "\*.xls")Cells.Clear Do While dirname <> ""If dirname <> nm ThenFilename = lj & "\" & dirname Set Wb = GetObject(Filename)Workbooks(nm).ActivateWorkbooks(dirname).Sheets(1).Columns("A").Copyx = Sheets("sheet1").UsedRange.Columns.Countx = x + Sheets("sheet1").UsedRange.Column – 1Columns(x + 1).SelectActiveSheet.PasteApplication.CutCopyMode = FalseWorkbooks(dirname).Close False End Ifdirname = Dir Loop End Sub

❸ VBA如何复制txt内容到单元格中

Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ABC.txt" For Input As #1可以这样打开读入数据到Excel里

❹ 如何用VBA复制整个文件夹包括子目录

Sub Files(Path As String, afterPath)'Path:原文件夹路径;afterPath:目标文件夹路径Dim Spath As StringSet fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Spath = Dir(Path, vbDirectory)Do While Len(Spath)If Spath <> "." And Spath <> ".." Thenfs.CopyFolder Path, afterPathSpath = Dir()End IfLoopEnd Sub————————————————版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「前端小菜鸟007」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41844140/article/details/103188537

❺ VBA EXCEL如何将一个文件复制到另一个文件


❻ VBA复制文件

如果确定是有规则的数据的话,参见以下代码假设文件放置在 fld 中i=110 if dir(fld & "\" & i )<>"" then i=i+1 :goto 10

❼ 求vba一个文件数据复制到另一个文件

Sub TestMoveData()Dim wsh1 As WorksheetDim wsh2 As WorksheetSet wsh1 = Application.Workbooks("A.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1")Set wsh2 = Application.Workbooks("B.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1")Dim aLast As LongaLast = wsh1.Range("B:B").Find("*", , , , , xlPrevious).RowDim arr1()arr1 = wsh1.Range("B2").Resize(aLast – 2 + 1, 1)Dim arr2()arr2 = arr1Dim x As LongDim y As Longy = 1For x = 1 To UBound(arr1, 1)If arr1(x, 1) = "yes" Thenarr2(y, 1) = arr1(x, 1)y = y + 1End IfNextarr2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr2)ReDim Preserve arr2(1 To y – 1)arr2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr2)wsh2.Range("B21").Resize(y – 1, 1) = arr2End Sub

❽ VBA编程 复制文件 (word 宏)


❾ excel VBA如何将文件复制至另一文件夹中,并按要求改名


❿ VBA 怎么用for语言复制和改文件名

Sub 复制()路径 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"For i = 1 To 20FileCopy 路径 & "1.xlsx", 路径 & "1." & i & ".xlsx"NextEnd Sub最好在1.xlsx文件夹中,新建一个Excel文件然后打开VBA,拷贝上述代码进去,执行就好了