软录 · 2022年12月25日

skyguide安卓版51|摄影 星空拍摄 银河 要怎么找到银河的位置

① 安卓怎么装sky guide


② Star Walk2和Sky Guide相比哪个更好

1、先看star walk官方自家对比star walk和star walk2这两代产品,内容上基本没变化(事实上star walk2里强调图片效果,图片数还少了),但是2代除了本身收费还要几个内购(18)才跟原来差不多,给人感觉诚意不足2、再看star walk和sky guide,都比较偏观赏性,对于一般爱好者来说内容上够了,UI上star walk2会好一点,特效、选项也多一点,但是不够流畅(A7处理器),另外定位差点,不知道是个什么算法(把设备颠来倒去一会就会发现有偏差,可能跟流畅性不足有关,而且也可见它没有时时去对准罗盘),这点sky guide比较好,很流畅,而且颠来倒去设备之后会发现有逐渐对准方位的处理3、综上,1个36(18+18),1个24(12+12),水准差不多,都不是最专业的选择(我相信一般人用不到,而且专业的,颜值未必高,你懂的~),所以如果只是陶冶情操(加跟妹纸谈心),walk稍微好一点;如果还是会有点频率去用这类软件,那么guide的简洁流畅性会让你更舒服

③ 摄影 星空拍摄 银河 要怎么找到银河的位置


焦距:16mm 光圈2.8 ISO100 快门1324秒(约合22分钟)


④ star walk2和sky guide这两款观星app哪个更好

star walk2

⑤ skystudio安卓下载最新版本安装失败


⑥ 请问有人用过sky guide这个软件吗


⑦ sky guide星象指南这个软件准确吗是怎么办到时实数据的


⑧ 求一个天文爱好者使用软件

只能用eMule下载中文名称:繁星之夜英文名称:Starry Night Pro Plus 5.0发行时间:2005年地区:加拿大语言:英语简介:下载地址:http://lib.verycd.com/2006/02/20/0000091045.html史上最强的天文模拟软件,估计不是天文爱好者是不会了解这个软件的。毫不夸张地说,它可以模拟公元前99999年到公元99999年1000000光年内的人类所能观察到的所有天文现象。它可不是一般的天文教学软件,只有一点文字,图片或动画而以,而是实时模拟软件。你可以把观察点设在自己所在地,看看今晚的星空,保证和你看到的实际星空一样(由于环境污染,真实星空估计你是看不到的)。你也可以把时间设到1万年前,看看那时的北斗七星是个什么排列,甚至可以站在冥王星上看日出,坐在哈雷彗星上环游太阳系,或者开着飞船在外太空遨游。反正,这一切都不是事先设定好的,完全可以按自己的意愿自行模拟出来。和一般天文软件相比,它最大的特点就是画面漂亮,支持openGL渲染和全景图片,星空在starry night里是非常真实的。注意:1,这个版本是plus版,不同于以前发布的普通版,提供下载的是5.0版,可以免费升级到最新5.7版。2,2月22日12点更新了下载链接源,请在这之前下载的网友重新下载新的链接。官方网站:http://www.starrynight.com/下面是官方的描述:Now with Full-Color CCD Photograph of the Entire Night Sky Visible from Earth!Starry Night Pro Plus version 5.0 enhances your observation experiences with the first-ever, full-color photograph of the entire night sky, to a limiting magnitude of 14-15. Quickly and easily navigate the full-color CCD image mosaic comprised of about 20,000 indivial images taken with a 6 mega-pixel CCD camera and custom-built optical system.Make the most of the enhanced telescope controls to find your target and capture it using the new plug-in to MaxIm DL* imaging software. This innovative integration lets you find your target, take and process pictures with MaxIm DL and then import these pictures back into Starry Night.Add exciting, new dimensions to your passion for the night sky with the ability to create your own stunning astrophotography.New Features in Starry Night Pro Plus 5.7: Outlines for 1400 dark, emission, planetary and reflection nebulae Positional data for 1700 globular and open clusters Follow the path of space mission probes like Voyager Ride along with Cassini as it flies by Jupiter on its way to Saturn Ability to add 3-D objects such as irregularly shaped asteroids, man-made satellites and more Integration with Google Maps for Earth-based locations Improved functionality for finding viewing locations on Earth and the Moon Improved Planner functionality, making it easier to select and filter objects for viewing sessions Access to up-to-date local observing conditions through online link to Clear Sky Clock Improved Equipment List functionality and FOV support for DSLR (digital) cameras Default Equipment Database of over 200 Orion, Meade, Celestron and Vixen scopes, binoculars, and SBIG, Apogee, FLI and Starlight Express CCD chips 卆nd moreOther Features Zoom in on the AllSky Image, a full-color CCD mosaic of the entire sky visible from Earth, to a limiting magnitude of 14-15 Connect to MaxIm DL* to take pictures with your telescope and camera and import them into Starry Night (Windows only) Move your telescope freely in altitude or azimuth using the "telescope handbox simulator" (Macintosh only) Use the improved "Telescope" pane to park/unpark and home your scope, configure slew limits and more Explore PGC Catalog of 1 million galaxies Plan observing sessions using SkyCalendar full of upcoming astronomical events Export positional data for any object over a specific time span or interval with the Ephemeris Generator Track satellite positions more accurately as predicted by the SGP4 model Deepen explorations of the universe with over 100 SkyGuide tours Choose from over 30 photo-realistic horizon panoramas Enjoy high resolution exclusive constellation illustrations and images from Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes and Chandra X-Ray Observatory Fly around the universe using joystick-supported spaceship mode Control most popular brands of computerized telescopes including Orion?SkyQuest?Intelliscope? Meade?LX-200 and AutoStar and Celestron?Nexstar series (additional cable required) View over 55 million stars and 1 million galaxies with online link to 500 million stars Customize field-of-view indicators to match your eyepieces stored in the equipment list Store comments and images on indivial targets in observation logs Print full sky (180 degree) star charts of any area in the sky Receive automatic updates of new discoveries and orbital data of satellites, comets, and asteroids

⑨ sky guide星象指南在哪里下载


⑩ sky光遇安卓版怎么下载
