文件管理 · 2022年8月18日


『壹』 心金.com 域名备案解析完了。求网站源码。就是类似与房产中介的最好。

一楼 和 2楼 的都是 SB 打开网络 关键系 源代码,,,你看到 很多 专业提供网站源代码的免费网站,,内容很丰富,,,根据你 的要求搜素下载就OK

『贰』 我有一个网站源码,jsp的但是没有部署成功,求高人啊!!!!

一个房屋中介网站的整站程序http://www.pudn.com/detail.asp?id=109408百姓房产中介系统 v2.0whttp://www.pudn.com/detail.asp?id=126136房产中介源代码http://www.pudn.com/detail.asp?id=112178

『叁』 谁能告诉我用jsp做的房产中介的源代码网站,或者谁有给我传一个,谢谢了

一个房屋中介网站的整站程序http://www.pudn.com/detail.asp?id=109408百姓房产中介版系统权 v2.0whttp://www.pudn.com/detail.asp?id=126136房产中介源代码http://www.pudn.com/detail.asp?id=112178

『肆』 在上海租高端点的房子有哪些渠道

可以到网上 高端房产中介网站源码九江淘房网 链家 房天下等 老外租房没有限制啊 正规中介帮你办理必要的手续备案的

『伍』 求c语言房屋中介系统源代码

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> #define ESC 27 #define NULL0 #define LEN sizeof(struct applicant) #define LENB sizeof(struct job) #define L sizeof(info1) #define LB sizeof(info2) int n,k; char filename1[10]; char filename2[10]; struct applicant { long anum; char aname[10]; char id[18]; char cert[20]; char rqurjob[20]; struct applicant * next1; }applcnt[60],info1; struct job { long jnum; char jname[20]; int need; struct job * next2; }jb[100],info2; /*————color————–*/ color() { int x1=20,y1=5,x2=60,y2=40,i; clrscr(); textmode(3); textbackground(2); window(x1,y1,x2,y2); for(i=1;i <=21;i++) { gotoxy(1,i);cprintf( " ");} } /*————-menu———–*/ menu() { char c; color(); textcolor(19); gotoxy(17,3);cprintf( "MENU "); textcolor(4); gotoxy(9,5);cprintf( "1 –input applicant record "); gotoxy(9,6);cprintf( "2 –output applicant record "); gotoxy(9,7);cprintf( "3 –delete applicant record "); gotoxy(9,8);cprintf( "4 –insert applicant record "); gotoxy(9,9);cprintf( "5 –search applicant record "); gotoxy(9,10);cprintf( "6 –open applicant record "); gotoxy(9,11);cprintf( "7 –input job record "); gotoxy(9,12);cprintf( "8 –output job record "); gotoxy(9,13);cprintf( "9 –delete job record "); gotoxy(9,14);cprintf( "10 –search jobe record "); gotoxy(9,17);cprintf( "0 –exit "); gotoxy(15,20);cprintf( "Please Select: "); c=getch(); if(ESC==c)exit(0); return(c); } /*—————create applicant information—————*/ struct applicant * create1(void) { struct applicant * p1, * p2; struct applicant * head1; struct applicant * load1(void); struct applicant * arrange1(struct applicant * head1); char c; color(); n=0; p1=p2=(struct applicant * )malloc(LEN); textcolor(14); gotoxy(7,3);cprintf( "Please Enter Record: "); textcolor(1); gotoxy(5,5);cprintf( "Enter Num: "); scanf( "%1d ",&p1-> anum); if(p1-> anum==0){head1=NULL;goto end;} gotoxy(5,7);cprintf( "Enter Name: "); scanf( "%s ",p1-> aname); gotoxy(5,9);cprintf( "Enter Your ID Number: "); scanf( "%s ",p1-> id); gotoxy(5,11);cprintf( "Enter Your Certification: "); scanf( "%s ",p1-> cert); gotoxy(5,13);cprintf( "Enter Your Ideal Job: "); scanf( "%s ",p1-> rqurjob); head1=NULL; while(p1-> anum!=0) { n=n+1; if(n==1)head1=p1; else p2-> next1=p1; p2=p1; p1=(struct applicant *)malloc(LEN); color(); textcolor(14); gotoxy(6,3);cprintf( "Please Enter Record: "); textcolor(1); gotoxy(5,5);cprintf( "Enter Num: "); scanf( "%1d ",&p1-> anum); if(p1-> anum==0) goto end; gotoxy(5,7);cprintf( "Enter Name: "); scanf( "%s ",p1-> aname); gotoxy(5,9);cprintf( "Enter Your ID number: "); scanf( "%s ",p1-> id); gotoxy(5,11);cprintf( "Enter Your Certification: "); scanf( "%s ",p1-> cert); gotoxy(5,13);cprintf( "Enter Your Ideal Job: "); scanf( "%s ",p1-> rqurjob); } end:p2-> next1=NULL; head1=arrange1(head1); gotoxy(5,16);cprintf( "Save(Y.or,N)? "); c=getch(); if(c== 'Y '||c== 'y ')save1(head1); else head1=load1(); return(head1); } /*———————create job information———————-*/ struct job *create2(void) { struct job * p3, * p4; struct job * head2; struct job *load2(void); struct job *arrange2(struct job * head2); char d; color(); k=0; p3=p4=(struct job *)malloc(LENB); textcolor(14); gotoxy(7,3);cprintf( "Please Enter Record: "); textcolor(1); gotoxy(5,5);cprintf( "Enter Job Number: "); scanf( "%1d ",&p3-> jnum); if(p3-> jnum==0){head2=NULL;goto end;} gotoxy(5,7);cprintf( "Enter Job Name: "); scanf( "%s ",p3-> jname); gotoxy(5,9);cprintf( "Enter The Amount Of The Job Needs: "); scanf( "%i ",p3-> need); head2=NULL; while(p3-> jnum!=0) { k=k+1; if(k==1)head2=p3; else p4-> next2=p3; p4=p3; p3=(struct job * )malloc(LENB); color(); textcolor(14); gotoxy(7,3);cprintf( "Please Enter Record: "); textcolor(1); gotoxy(5,5);cprintf( "Enter Job Number: "); scanf( "%1d ",&p3-> jnum); if(p3-> jnum==0) goto end; gotoxy(5,7);cprintf( "Enter Job Name: "); scanf( "%s ",p3-> jname); gotoxy(5,9);cprintf( "Enter The Amount Of The Job Needs: "); scanf( "%i ",p3-> need); } end:p4-> next2=NULL; head2=arrange2(head2); gotoxy(5,12);cprintf( "Save(Y.Or,N)? "); d=getch(); if(d== 'Y '||d== 'y ')save2(head2); else head2=load2(); return(head2); }/*————–print applicant information—————-*/ void print1(struct applicant * head1) { struct applicant * p5;int i=0; color();textcolor(14); p5=head1; textcolor(4); if(head1-> anum==0) { gotoxy(4,4);cprintf( "NO info. of applicant! "); } else { gotoxy(2,2);cprintf( "Number of Records:%d ",n); textcolor(0); gotoxy(5,4);cprintf( "Num Name ID Certification Required job "); if(head1!=NULL)textcolor(1); do{ gotoxy(5,5+i);cprintf( "%1d ",p5-> anum); gotoxy(18,5+i);cprintf( "%s ",p5-> aname); gotoxy(32,5+i);cprintf( "%s ",p5-> id); gotoxy(50,5+i);cprintf( "%s ",p5-> cert); gotoxy(75,5+i);cprintf( "%s ",p5-> rqurjob); i++; p5=p5-> next1; }while(p5!=NULL); } textcolor(14); gotoxy(15,20);cprintf( "Any Key Back! "); getch(); } /*————–print job information—————-*/ void print2(struct job * head2) { struct job * p7;int k=0; color();textcolor(14); p7=head2; textcolor(4); if(head2-> jnum==0) { gotoxy(4,4);cprintf( "NO info. of student! "); } else { gotoxy(2,2);cprintf( "Number of Records:%d ",k); textcolor(0); gotoxy(5,4);cprintf( "Job Number Job name Amount of Person in need "); if(head2!=NULL)textcolor(1); do{ gotoxy(5,5+k);cprintf( "%1d ",p7-> jnum); gotoxy(18,5+k);cprintf( "%s ",p7-> jname); gotoxy(43,5+k);cprintf( "%i ",p7-> need); k++; p7=p7-> next2; }while(p7!=NULL); } textcolor(14); gotoxy(15,20);cprintf( "Any Key Back! "); getch(); } /*———-delelte applicant———–*/ struct applicant *del1(struct applicant * head1) { struct applicant * p1, * p2;long anum;char c; color();textcolor(14); gotoxy(7,3);cprintf( "Eneter Delete Applicant Number: "); scanf( "%1d ",&anum); textcolor(128+4); if(head1==NULL) {gotoxy(12,7);printf( "List Null!) ");goto end; } p1=head1; while(anum!=p1-> anum&&p1-> next1!=NULL) { p2=p1;p1=p1-> next1;} if(anum==p1-> anum) { if(p1==head1)head1=p1-> next1; else p2-> next1=p1-> next1; gotoxy(11,7); cprintf( "%1d Has Been Deleted! ",anum); n=n-1; textcolor(14); gotoxy(5,12);cprintf( "Save(Y.orN)? "); c=getch(); if(c== 'Y '|| c== 'y ')save1(head1); } else { textcolor(128+4);gotoxy(11,7); cprintf( "%1d Not Been Found! ",anum); end:textcolor(14); gotoxy(15,14);cprintf( "Any Key Back! ");getch(); } } /*—————delete job———–*/ struct job *del2(struct job * head2) { struct job * p3, * p4;long jnum;char d; color();textcolor(14); gotoxy(7,3);cprintf( "Eneter Delete job Number: "); scanf( "%1d ",&jnum); textcolor(128+4); if(head2==NULL) {gotoxy(12,7);printf( "List Null!) ");goto end; } p3=head2; while(jnum!=p3-> jnum&&p3-> next2!=NULL) { p4=p3;p3=p3-> next2;} if(jnum==p3-> jnum) { if(p3==head2)head2=p3-> next2; else p4-> next2=p3-> next2; gotoxy(11,7); cprintf( "%1d Has Been Deleted! ",jnum); k=k-1; textcolor(14); gotoxy(5,12);cprintf( "Save(Y.orN)? "); d=getch(); if(d== 'Y '|| d== 'y ')save2(head2); } else { textcolor(128+4);gotoxy(11,7); cprintf( "%1d Not Been Found! ",jnum); end:textcolor(14); gotoxy(15,14);cprintf( "Any Key Back! ");getch(); } } /*———————arrange applicant——–*/ struct applicant *arrange1(struct applicant *head1) { int i,j;struct applicant * p5; p5=head1; for(i=0;i <n;i++) {applcnt[i]= * p5;p5=p5-> next1;} for(j=1;j <n-1;j++) { for(i=1;i <=n-j;i++) if(applcnt[i-1].anum> applcnt[i].anum) {info1=applcnt[i-1];applcnt[i-1]=applcnt[i];applcnt[i]=info1; } } p5=&applcnt[0]; for(i=1;i <n;i++) { p5-> next1=&applcnt[i];p5=p5-> next1;} p5-> next1=NULL;head1=&applcnt[0]; return(head1); } /*—————–arrange job——————-*/ struct job *arrange2(struct job *head2) { int r,f;struct job * p7; p7=head2; for(r=0;r <k;r++) {jb[r]= * p7;p7=p7-> next2;} for(f=1;f <k-1;f++) { for(r=1;r <=k-f;r++) if(jb[r-1].jnum> jb[r].jnum) {info2=jb[r-1];jb[r-1]=jb[r];jb[r]=info2; } } p7=&jb[0]; for(r=1;r <k;r++) { p7-> next2=&jb[r];p7=p7-> next2;} p7-> next2=NULL;head2=&jb[0]; return(head2); }/*——————–insert applicant—————–*/ struct applicant *insert1(struct applicant *head1) { struct applicant * p0, * p1, * p2, * applcnt;char c; color(); applcnt=(struct applicant * )malloc(LEN); textcolor(14); gotoxy(7,3);cprintf( "Please Enter Record: "); textcolor(1); gotoxy(5,5);cprintf( "Enter Num: "); scanf( "%1d ",&applcnt-> anum); gotoxy(5,7);cprintf( "Enter Name: "); scanf( "%s ",applcnt-> aname); gotoxy(5,9);cprintf( "Enter Your ID Number: "); scanf( "%s ",applcnt-> id); gotoxy(5,11);cprintf( "Enter Your Certification: "); scanf( "%s ",applcnt-> cert); gotoxy(5,13);cprintf( "Enter Your Ideal Job: "); scanf( "%s ",applcnt-> rqurjob); p1=head1; p0=applcnt; if(head1=NULL) { head1=p0;p0-> next1=NULL;} else while((p0-> anum> p1-> anum)&&(p1-> next1!=NULL)) { p2=p1; p1=p1-> next1;} if(p0-> anum <=p1-> anum) { if(head1==p1)head1=p0; else p2-> next1=p0; p0-> next1=p1; } else {p1-> next1=p0;p0-> next1=NULL;} n=n+1; textcolor(14); gotoxy(5,16);cprintf( "Save(Y.or,N)? "); c=getch(); if(c== 'Y '||c== 'y ')save1(head1); head1=load1(); return(head1); } /*——————insert job———————-*/ struct job *insert2(struct job * head2) { struct job * q0, * p3, * p4, * jb;char d; color(); jb=(struct job *)malloc(LENB); textcolor(14); gotoxy(7,3);cprintf( "Please Enter Job Num: "); textcolor(1); gotoxy(5,5);cprintf( "Enter Job Number: "); scanf( "%1d ",&jb-> jnum); gotoxy(5,7);cprintf( "Enter Job Name: "); scanf( "%s ",jb-> jname); gotoxy(5,9);cprintf( "Enter The Amount Of The Job Needs: "); scanf( "%i ",jb-> need); p3=head2; q0=jb; if(head2==NULL) { head2=q0;q0-> next2=NULL;} else while((q0-> jnum> p3-> jnum)&&(p3-> next2!=NULL)) { p4=p3; p3=p3-> next2;} if(q0-> jnum <=p3-> jnum) { if(head2==p3)head2=q0; else p4-> next2=q0; q0-> next2=p3; } else { p3-> next2=q0;q0-> next2=NULL;} k=k+1; textcolor(14); gotoxy(5,12);cprintf( "Save(Y.or,N)? "); d=getch(); if(d== 'Y '||d== 'y ')save2(head2); head2=load2(); return(head2); } /*———————-load applicant————————*/ struct applicant *load1(void) { struct applicant *p1, * p2, * head1; FILE * fp; color();textcolor(14); gotoxy(3,5);cprintf( "Please Enter Loaded Applicant File Name: "); scanf( "%s ",filename1); fp=fopen( "filename1.dat ", "r "); fscanf(fp, "%s ",filename1); fclose(fp); if((fp=fopen(filename1, "rb "))==NULL) { textcolor(128+4);gotoxy(3,4); cprintf( "Info1. been not found from %s ! ",filename1); goto end; } p2=p1=(struct applicant * )malloc(LEN); n=0; while(! feof(fp)) { n=n+1;if(n==1)head1=p1; fread(p1,LEN,1,fp); p2=p1; p1=(struct applicant * )malloc(LEN); p2-> next1=p1; } fclose(fp); n=n-1; p2-> next1=NULL; for(p1=head1;p1-> next1-> next1!=NULL;p1=p1-> next1); p1-> next1=NULL; clrscr(); textcolor(128+4); gotoxy(3,5);cprintf( "Info1 Has Been Loaded from %s! ",filename1); end:textcolor(14); gotoxy(15,14);cprintf( "Any Key Back! "); getch(); return(head1); } /*————–load job——————-*/ struct job *load2(void) { struct job * p3, * p4, * head2; FILE *fp; color();textcolor(14); gotoxy(3,5);cprintf( "Please Enter Loaded Job File Name: "); scanf( "%s ",filename2); fp=fopen( "filename2.dat ", "r "); fscanf(fp, "%s ",filename2); fclose(fp); if((fp=fopen(filename2, "rb "))==NULL) { textcolor(128+4);gotoxy(3,4); cprintf( "Info2. been not found from %s ! ",filename2); goto end; } p4=p3=(struct job * )malloc(LENB); k=0; while(! feof(fp)) { k=k+1;if(k==1)head2=p3; fread(p3,LENB,1,fp); p4=p3; p3=(struct job * )malloc(LENB); p4-> next2=p3; } fclose(fp); k=k-1; p4-> next2=NULL; for(p3=head2;p3-> next2-> next2!=NULL;p3=p3-> next2); p3-> next2=NULL; clrscr(); textcolor(128+4); gotoxy(3,5);cprintf( "Info2 Has Been Loaded From %s! ",filename2); end:textcolor(14); gotoxy(15,14);cprintf( "Any Key Back! "); getch(); return(head2); } /*———————save applicant————————*/ save1(struct applicant * head1) { FILE * fp; struct applicant * p5; color();textcolor(14); p5=head1; gotoxy(3,5);cprintf( "Please Enter Saved Applicant File Name: "); scanf( "%s ",filename1); fp=fopen( "filename1.dat ", "w "); fprintf(fp, "%s ",filename1); fclose(fp); fp=fopen(filename1, "wb "); while(p5=NULL){ fwrite(p5,LEN,1,fp);p5=p5-> next1;} fclose(fp); textcolor(128+4);clrscr(); gotoxy(2,3); cprintf( "%d Applicant Record Has Been Saved To %s ! ",n,filename1); textcolor(14); gotoxy(15,14);cprintf( "Any Key Back! ");getch(); } /*——————save job————————*/ save2(struct job * head2) { FILE * fp; struct job * p7; color();textcolor(14); p7=head2; gotoxy(3,5);cprintf( "Pleas Enter Saved Job File Name: "); scanf( "%s ",filename2); fp=fopen( "filename2.dat ", "w "); fprintf(fp, "%s ",filename2); fclose(fp); fp=fopen(filename2, "wb "); while(p7=NULL){ fwrite(p7,LENB,1,fp);p7=p7-> next2;} fclose(fp); textcolor(128+4);clrscr(); gotoxy(2,3); cprintf( "%d Job Record Has Been Saved To %s ! ",k,filename2); textcolor(14); gotoxy(15,14);cprintf( "Any Key Back! ");getch(); } /*————————main————————-*/ main() { char m,c; struct applicant * head1; struct job * head2; textmode(7);textmode(3); textbackground(11); color();textcolor(14); gotoxy(12,5);cprintf( "Welcome To Use "); textcolor(14); gotoxy(7,7);cprintf( "Intermediary Information Management System "); gotoxy(12,9);cprintf( "Written By Aaron Harvey "); textcolor(128+11); gotoxy(2,14); cprintf( " Any Key Continue! ESC to exit "); c=getch(); if(ESC==c)exit(0); menu: m=menu(); switch(m) { case '1 ':head1=create1(); break; case '2 ':print1(head1); break; case '3 ':head1=del1(head1); break; case '4 ':head1=insert1(head1); break; case '5 ':head1=load1(); break; case '6 ':head2=create2(); break; case '7 ':print2(head2); break; case '8 ':head2=del2(head2); break; case '9 ':head2=insert2(head2); break; case '10 ':head2=load2(); break; case '0 ':textmode(11); exit(0); } goto menu; }

『陆』 想买套房产中介网站源码,本人不太懂这行,提高悬赏求助


『柒』 房产中介公司怎么实现淡季弯道超车


『捌』 房产中介系统哪些好


『玖』 建产房产网,用什么源码好

我刚看到有个贴吧里介绍 08cms的房产网站源码 还可以 里面有案例站 据说功能强大 很专业很精细,你看看能不能帮到你